Ragebreed Compilation - 1 Track, Feature & Review in the Ragebreed Magazine
£50.00 On sale

Get your band heard on our Ragebreed Compilation CD, this price gives you
1 Track on the compilation CD
1 Feature in the Ragebreed magazine
1 Review in the Ragebreed magazine
***This item should only be purchased on agreeing with the management team. Do not purchase if you have not agreed between both parties***
1. We will require the track on WAV or MP3 Format
2. We will require the band logo JPEG
3. We will require a good quality photograph of the band JPEG
4. We will require your biography
All the above must be sent to [email protected]
We can accept WeTransfer, Dropbox or a link to download the track.
We will issue the release date once the compilation and ad spaces are filled and magazine designing is completed. The magazine is released once a year as opposed to monthly.
Bands will have to pay for the magazine (CD compilation) because too many members were asking for a free copy and we simply don't have the funds to send to each band member. That would be 22 bands with all it's members which we cannot afford to do. We are a part time business not full time. So please understand that if you want a copy of the compilation CDs/CD you will have to pay £4.99. So with compilation it would be £54.99 + P&P but you would have to purchase the magazine separately.